Thursday, January 26, 2012

Have A Happy Weekend

Weekends are ever awaited days in everyone’s life, at least in my life. Getting up late in the morning, enjoying the sunshine, eating lots of calories, talking to mom on phone, having chit chat with friends. Life seems so standstill, so serene and I love the tranquility and peace in my life. Okay lets not bore you with this. And all I want to do is to write, be it crap, but I want to write. Its been long that I’ve written anything on my blog.

The life after my sister’s marriage has been different, now I feel more responsible towards my family. I think a lot, hell lot. How to make things work for myself? After the debacle in my early life, I felt life is falling apart, but no, life still holds something for me. How can I forget that only when the night occurs we understand the importance of day! If there is no sign of sadness, I would never know what happiness means for you and what should I do to attain to reach my goal? Though I plan out almost every single detail of my life but its life who decides what will happen next, coz I m not the architect of my life. There is someone above me who has pre-decided my fate.

Today I made a promise to myself that whatever happens, good or bad, I’ll never lose faith in Almighty and my parents. Hopefully in coming time I would be on the position I want to and that too without losing my temper and my ideals (have seen people doing it in due course of time). I know its not concerning your life and doesn’t even bother you that you should read it and even think for a while about the realism in my words. But the purpose of writing this was sharing my thoughts, filling my bog and trying to tell everyone that whatever life might be for you, never lose faith, there is always a way. Even if you have done something wrong, don’t be afraid to accept the consequences because you never know what going to happen next. What if its for your own good? You have to take the risk and plunge for the dream you wished true all the time.

Love people around you, respect them and you will never face any hardships in your life. People often ask me why are you so good to people who don’t even give a damn. I just have one answer, its not on my hands to change their attitude towards me or life but I’ve control over my thoughts so why to spoil them because of others? And if there is a chance that they can be changed, I would love to take it. If we don’t give chance to people how we will come to know the depth they can face. So do good to people and surely that good would come back to you. I know I’ve done a lot of preaching in this blog but what to do. I remember how Munna Bhai went on Gandhi’s way to cure his sick friend.  I hope you didn’t mind my words. I deeply feel world needs more love than competition. Let’s help each other and grow with people around us.
