Friday, July 26, 2013

10 Simple Steps to be HAPPY!!!

This is nothing new that I'm telling you. Deep inside you know it, I'm just reminding you how little things in your life can make you happy. Read on: 

1.       Expand your capacity to love- One of the reasons we face so many interpersonal problems is we are too self-centered. Too preoccupied in personal gains that we are oblivious of love around us. There is so much liveliness around us, just extend your horizons a bit.
2.       Listen- One of the most valuable skill any human being can possess. This can do wonders to your personal and professional life. Respect what people have to say to you. Keep a track of their lives so that they can equally take interest in yours.
3.       Fueling the mind- You are unhappy because you want to be. Your brain works as your train it. It cannot function on it’s own. Use it wisely and just like any engine it needs constant fuelling. Make sure you keep the tank full so that no negativity can enter.
4.       Harnessing anger- Take a deep breath and avoid confrontations during arguments. During anger our senses tend to heighten and we say things we don’t mean.
5.       Be simple- Complexities often bring confusion, leading to anxiety which turns us into insecure person. Keep things simple. Its always easier that way.
6.       Smile- It seriously costs nothing. Start your day by smiling to at least 10 people. See the difference yourself.
7.       Be kind and tender- Show little kindness. After all we are humans, we have to be affectionate. Feel, care and be kind to people.
8.       Read good books- Reading helps mind to focus, very important factor to stay happy. If you are disinterested in life, how can you be happy? It also increases your knowledge. So no harm done it reading a book or two. So what’s your pick?
9.       Believe in God- He is there somewhere watching you. So never lose faith in him. Start your day with a small prayer.
10.   Love your family- Most important factor to stay happy. Keep family as your priority. They have been there for you, they deserve that much. Confide to them, they’ll always rescue you from your worst situations.

Each day is a testimony that you can be alive only if you are ready to take the initiative to embrace life as it comes.  Share your thoughts as well. J



  1. thanks .I really loved it .And you are quite right we know every thing ,we just need to revise , manifest.

    1. Good one Ziv, especially when I am working 14 hours a day.. ;-)

  2. Nice post Zivpreet. Numbers 3 & 4 are probably most important. Fueling the mind with positive thoughts and getting rid of anger (or reducing it) are essential to live happily...
